What is ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts the ability to pay attention, control impulses, and regulate one's activity levels. Approximately 5% of Australia's adult population is estimated to have ADHD with many still undiagnosed.

Benefits of Testing for ADHD?

Knowing you have ADHD can lead to clarity and insight into your strengths and challenges

Diagnosis can open doors to effective treatments that enhances focus and productivity improving Work and Academic performance

✔Improvement of Personal and Professional Relationships with early intervention 

✔Experience an overall Improvement in daily life and Mental Health

Why Test for ADHD with E-Doctor?

➜Convenience: Assessments can be completed from home on a mobile device with results back in under 24 hours.
Affordable: We've made it simple and affordable for anyone to get screened for ADHD, no matter their financial situation. We want to ensure that everyone can access accurate and reliable ADHD screening and insights into their cognitive patterns.
➜Comprehensive and Reliable: We utilise a combination of comprehensive leading tools that meets both DSM and PBS criteria enabling an accuracy rate of over 90%
➜Expert Support: With your results, we can organise and expedite your referral onto Neurodevelopmental Psychiatrists we collaborate with


How does our ADHD Assessment service work?


Complete the brief clinical questionnaire and place an Order

A doctor will review your answers and will email you a secure link for the Assessment

Once the Assessment is completed, your results will be sent to your registered email within 24 hours

If your results are indicative of ADHD - Let our team help you with a Specialist Psychiatrist Referral


Please Note:

  • There are TWO assessments to be completed as part of this ADHD Screening Assessment
  • Results from the Assessment is best used in conjunction with a Clinical Evaluation
  • In Australia, a clinical interview by a Specialist Psychiatrist or Neurologist is required before Psychostimulants can be prescribed